Polyvalence is a recipe for success
in the modern day society. However, one “cannot chase two rabbits at the same
time”. This declaration is arguably advocating for focus, determination and
specialisation since none can pursue two things or tasks at a time and expect
to do wonders with both.
There is a school of thought that
argues, “it depends on ones’ discipline” as an individual. This school is of
the view that some people have the capacity to handle numerous tasks at a time.
We simply have to remember that we are not all the same. However, there is
another which recognises polyvalence but believes that multitasking is not a
good thing to do as the value and quality of the other would be compromised.
This school recognises that other people have to be constantly reminded to not
take on more than they can handle, as they may struggle to cope when they have
too many things happening in their lives. These people may end up not excelling
in either task. They would not able to manage their time or resources well. One
cannot be South African and Congolese at the same time or be in both places at
The third school says it does not
matter as long as you can show that you can manage: just go for it! When you
know how to manage your time you gain control. Rather than busily working here,
there, and everywhere (and not getting much substantially done), effective time
management helps you to prioritise. Time management and prioritisation helps an
individual to choose what to work on and when. This is essential if you one is
to achieve anything of any real worth.
I believe that each individual knows
what they are capable of: they would not subject themselves to any multitasking
if they feel they cannot “chase two rabbits at the same time”. It means one
needs to measure his or her capabilities and bite only what he or she can chew.
Therefore, I support the third school of thought which alluded to the fact that
know your worth, know your strength and do what you can with what you have. We
cannot attempt to chase two rabbits at the same time when we clearly know that
it is impossible to do so.
Source Image.www.google.com
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