Monday, 17 September 2012


Courting is a form of dating used in the olden days especially in the event that a man develops an affection for the lady in the hope that they will get married. However, these days courting has lost its value and meaning. It is not important as people use dating just for fun.

One can get a partner anywhere and anyhow. If they found a perfect date in the league of courtship is another story given the amount of divorce that has plagued our society. It is “win and mislay” these days. Some say that the most people who are worse in dating are women and that they do not consider the consequences if those consequences may lead them into losing the men they fancy.

Women are empowered these days: they are go-getters. Sometimes, they pick the sour grapes. When this happens everybody in the family gets affected. It isnot uncommon to hear a woman stating, “I do not need a stable relationship. I take whatever comes my way because I do not want any strings attached”.

As a result of this attitude, some men have learnt to follow suite and others take advantage of the situation. Research has it that statistics of rape, domestic violence, abuse, loss of trust and dishonesty have become rampant in the society. Who holds the moral compass?

Worst of all one finds out that older men date girls younger than some of their granddaughters: boys will go out with women of the same age if not older than their mothers. The occurrence of that in the media we learn about incidents of rape where grannies fall victim to teenage boys.

This is a story of a new generation. The world has turned. We do not know whether it is has changed for the better or not. Cheating in the midst of HIV and infectious diseases has become a pillar of modern relationships. Some people or couples get murdered due to this, and there is no apparent solution in the horizon. 
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