Thursday, 8 March 2012

Before a Cat in the Court For Judgement.

Please, I' m the man of God with power!!

I was confused, wondering why this was happening to me. I was in disbelief about the situation of my money which is I lost. The situation became more complicated when the first investigation from overseas detectives proved that no one had touched my apartment during that period that I went to Brazil, therefore implying that I am responsible for the disappearance of my own money.

However, if you look at this matter correctly; I can’t involve SAPS because I knew that South African laws do not condone drug trafficking, let alone keeping a lot of money in the house. So I decided to speak to the man of God called Prophet Isaac in the Assembly of God for messengers at 146 Coronation Road Maitland Cape Town near to his house, in order to find out the truth because I wasn’t satisfied with what the overseas investigators’ findings

I had some weeks of praying and fasting with Prophet Isaac and other church members. The praying started at church then eventually ended up at the house as well. But my spirit was extremely weak because I wasn’t familiar with that kind of life of adoring God and praying. After four weeks of praying, prophet had a vision that the cat called Cherie Maria is double faced.

The prayer group also informed me of the same vision that the prophet had after four days, but at that time the Prophet had already informed me. Because of the love that I had for my cat, i demanded that the church give me proof that i can see with the naked eye. So the prayer group, prophet Isaacs and I decided to go to my house to pray for the cat, so that we can see its double faces

. As we all reached my house, the cat Cherie Maria was dancing and rejoicing in front of the church members. Based on the cat‘s strange behaviour to the church members were his cat rejoices his birthday by dancing in front of people it was confirmed to the church members that the cat had to be punished in the name of God, but this does not prove anything to me, as i have had the cat for a long time and i have seen no act of evil from it…

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