Friday, 23 March 2012


You must go back to your country!
At Bloom shopping in Belville in the department of Safety and Security leading by HR manager Eric Bwalya, the foreigners who are working there are neglected at their workplace. This is a sign of discrimination, but what can they do as people because they are from the other country seeking a better life and make peace in South Africa especially in Cape Town?
However, some of them at Bloom Shopping lost their jobs last week without any valid reason, or a simple warning. There is a protocol one has to follow before dismissing an employee and in this case it hasn’t been followed. The company forced the foreigners with their two attorneys by writing each everyone a letter that states that their contracts are expired in two days even you have more than six months, than to be a permanent employee.
For this case based on their workplace issue, “this is how my company has been operating and behaving and has been successful so no one can come and change the rules and regulations of this company” Said the HR. This company offers jobs to foreigners to create ways of helping a number of people from other countries while our citizens’ struggle at home without money for bread.

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