Friday, 9 November 2012


Being a student is a long way to go. You cannot study for two days then you become a better student or you finish your all program. Be patient and go ahead steadily. Reading should be part of life that you have chosen. Having an academic paper shows that all the effort you have made during that journey has been rewarded.

Yet to be a graduate from University is not an easy task, but it is about working hard and surrendering all your efforts in the hands of God. The journey of being a student does concern the use of consciousness and good effort, started from one to Five which you will get the honours is a long way.

As I have said all above to persevere in your life is to challenge the failure and achieve the goals that you have set before going to school. It is a about having better plan for the future. The day of graduation becomes a big memory to each everyone who has passed through that journey of being a student and achiever as well. It is the product of what has been planned for many years.

Some students who graduated celebrated this day in many ways while others just thank God for what he has done to them during the long period of schooling. Some scientists used “ Be a students and gain your qualification it is better than having a lot of  money in the house because the money can be finished but your academic paper never get finished until you  will die’’ and other said this “ the study is a key of success to the entire of life for the human being ”.  

 Source image: Hortence's digital camera.

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