Friday, 17 February 2012

Money Stolen in the Wardrobe by an Innocent Cat.


            image source:internet.                       

source image:wild cat

The world today is full of surprises, so do not trust any person, an animal and not even a bird, you cannot believe it.

Richards, a rich businessman from Congo used to keep a lot of money in his house instead of in the bank. He lives together with his only much-loved cat ,Cherie Maria. Whenever when he received money from his buyers, he avoids keeping the money in the bank because of illegal business of drugs and also the charges from the bank.
However, as the elders say ‘one day is one day’, so if you keep walking on the wrong lane, the world will be teach you the right lesson. Mr Richards came back home from Brazil after a few days with a package of cocaine worth estimated of US 100.000.000$. Richard taught, ‘how much money could this be in Rand?’

He got home by inquisitiveness, took a look at his cat ‘Cherie Maria” and suspected that his cat looked sick and not her usual self! He said only one word into his heart ‘what’s going on here? Any problem!
As we all know, when someone gets home usually from business trip, he or she must rest and have something to eat. Nevertheless, two hours later, Richards stood up and stode to his bedroom and opened the wardrobe where he keeps his money. Unfortunately all the money to the value of R 195,000 000 plus Us 170,000 $ was missing.

Life is unfair, you will get disappointed Richards taught. He was the only one who had access to the keys and the remote control. No one else was allowed to come in besides the cat that was always in the house. Richards had no choice but to have his own investigation and the first suspect was the cat. But then, who could it be Richards taught, all the doors were locked…



  1. I like your passion for your topics, that's really good. Might I suggest that you work on your grammar just a bit more? I do not wish to offend you, I think your passion will make this blog really great and if you team that passion with great writing skills, you'll be superb at this.

  2. Is this a true story? Funny regardless!!! :D
